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From: rich@pencil.math.missouri.edu (Rich Winkel)
Date: 1997/07/04
Message-Id: <5pjfa7$1n4k$1@news.missouri.edu>
Newsgroups: misc.activism.progressive
Copyright 1997 Steven M. Greer M.D.
CSETI founded Project Starlight over three and a half years ago as an initiative to identify the best scientific evidence related to UFOs and Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Of particular importance is the identification of bona-fide military, intelligence, government contractor and other government agency employees with direct, first-hand knowledge of the UFO/ET subject.
The goal of the CSETI Project Starlight initiative is to present the best available evidence and witness testimony in a manner which would constitute a definitive disclosure regarding the reality of the UFO/ET subject. This is to be done in a scientific, non-sensational and hopeful manner, assiduously avoiding an alarmist tone or emphasis.
Since 1993, Dr. Steven Greer, CSETI Director, and other CSETI Project Starlight team members, have provided preliminary briefings for White House staff, a sitting Director of Central Intelligence, senior military leaders, senior United Nations leadership, members of the Senate and House of Representatives, international leaders, and leaders in foreign governments, among others.
It has always been our intent to effect this disclosure in cooperation with the United States and other governments , if possible. We are acutely aware of the vast and profound implications of this matter and for this reason have carefully included key government figures and offices in our deliberations and plans. From the start, it was made clear that, while we desired a cooperative effort leading towards disclosure, the matter would be disclosed through a civilian-led initiative should the government choose to be uninvolved.
Through exhaustive and repeated private briefings with various government leaders, we learned that this subject was being managed in a way which kept the majority of our constitutional leadership uninformed on the subject. It became clear that we should collect the best evidence and witnesses and provide unmistakable and unambiguous information to these leaders so that they could make a decision on how to proceed. Obviously, unless the leadership was informed, there could be no chance of their disclosing any information to the public, or of even convening an open hearing and inquiry.
On 15 November 1996, a letter was sent to all pertinent offices of the United States Government asking for a determination on the validity of national security oaths related to the UFO/Extraterrestrial subject. In this letter, which is available on the CSETI website (www.cseti.org) it was stated that it was our assessment that these oaths and restrictions were null and void, since the oversight of the projects related to this subject was improper, illegal and extra-constitutional.
Further, it was stated that, unless otherwise directed by 1 January 1997, we would regard all military, intelligence and other government-related witnesses to UFO/Extraterrestrial projects and events as free to speak openly about what they know concerning this topic.
No corrective measures or statements - oral , written or otherwise - were submitted to us by 1 January 1997. Through back-door channels it was conveyed that we would be allowed to move forward, and that our progress was being noted by various military, intelligence, government and private groups connected to the subject.
Pursuant to the above letter, since no instructions stating otherwise were sent by the US Government, CSETI proceeded to plan a Washington DC Briefing for this spring, as promised.
During the week of April 7-11, the CSETI Project Starlight team convened a gathering of nearly 20 first-hand government witnesses to UFO/ET events. These events principally took place at the Westin Hotel in Washington DC, although separate briefings took place at the Pentagon and elsewhere in the Washington vicinity.
All of the US government witnesses which were present signed a statement that they are willing to testify under oath before an open hearing in the US Congress concerning the UFO/ET projects and events which they personally and directly witnessed. These government UFO witnesses spanned from the early 1950s to the 1990s, and represented events and/or projects observed while these witnesses were in the Air Force, Army, Navy, NASA, private industry and intelligence operations.
Most of these witnesses had top secret clearances and were testifying regarding events which took place while they had those clearances.
It should be noted that the witnesses which were assembled during the week of April 7-11 are the courageous tip of a much larger iceberg: There are 107 such first-hand government UFO witnesses who have been identified to date, and who should be subpoenaed by the Congress to testify in open hearings. Conceptually, these witnesses may be divided into three levels:
Level One Witnesses. These are witnesses who are ready and willing to come forward today, as a unified coalition, to disclose what they know about the subject. There are 44 such witnesses thus far identified.
Level Two Witnesses: These are witnesses who have been identified but feel intimidated about coming forward and request the protection of Congressional hearings and the protective effect of a Congressional subpoena. They number 55.
Level Three Witnesses - These are witnesses who are known to us but who are considered probably hostile or uncooperative witnesses. They would need to be subpoenaed and treated as potentially hostile witnesses. There are at least 8 such witnesses in this category.
The Washington Briefings of April 7-11, 1997
The purpose of the events of April 7-11 were as follows:
To gather together bona-fide first hand government UFO witnesses to further solidify the coalition of such witnesses who are willing to come forward with definitive, unambiguous information concerning the UFO/ET subject.
To convene a closed, confidential briefing for members of Congress, congressional staff, White House staff, military leaders and other Washington leaders on the subject, and for these leaders to hear the direct testimony of the US government and military witnesses. This briefing was designed to present the best scientific evidence and witness testimony to establish the reality of the subject matter, and to specifically ask for open congressional hearings on the matter.
To conduct a background educational briefing for interested members of the media.
To provide private briefings to other military, intelligence and political leaders as needed.
All of the objectives listed above were met.
(All members of Congress, the President, Vice-President and key cabinet officials, as well as key military and intelligence leaders, were invited to the briefing. Further, they were offered the opportunity to receive private briefings at their convenience during the week.)
April 7, 1997: Various CSETI support staff arrive, as well as early arrival of some of the US government witnesses. En route with one of the Eisenhower era witnesses, Dr. Greer et al discuss witness' contacts to the president of a Latin American country which may be helpful in obtaining a United Nations symposium on the subject.
April 8, 1997: Arrival of all US Government witnesses, CSETI staff and others. During a lunch meeting, Dr. Greer, Shari Adamiak and one of the US government witnesses meets with a producer for a major investigative TV program, to provide background information and an overview of the subject. At 6 pm , all witnesses, along with Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and CSETI staff, gather for dinner. Introductions and an overview of the project's plans and goals were provided. At 10:30 pm CSETI support staff gather to discuss logistics, security and other issues related to the events of April 9 and 10.
April 9, 1997: 7:45 am breakfast meeting between Dr. Greer and an influential former member of Congress who offers to help us move this subject forward in the Congress.
9 am - 1 pm : Gathering of US Government Witnesses, with statements recorded. This is a closed meeting for the witnesses and senior CSETI staff, at which detailed accounts of the witnesses experiences related to their US government service or employment is shared. It is also a time of bonding and support for the witnesses as a coalition.
1 pm- Lunch with the witnesses and CSETI team. Dr. Greer also briefs during lunch an important Washington figure who offers to help network this subject to various points in the Washington leadership.
2:30 pm -5 pm - Continuation of US Government Witness testimony and recording of statements.
5 - 5:45 pm - Dr. Greer meets with new witness who relates definitive testimony related to Los Alamos and other facilities. (This is a Level Two Witness)
7 pm - 7:40 pm Reception for members of Congress, Congressional staff, foreign embassy staff and other Washington VIPs and leaders.
7:45- about 10 pm - Closed Briefing for members of Congress and Congressional staff, etc. Nearly 30 congressional offices were represented by either members of congress or staff members. Also present were VIPs from the executive branch, foreign embassy staff, government scientists, representatives sent to the briefing by 2 state governors' offices, and many other dignitaries.
During the briefing, participants were introduced to a substantial Briefing Document which contains numerous scientific cases and over 250 pages of definitive and unambiguous US Government documents related to the subject. The government documents were selected from a larger collection of several thousand. Many were provided to CSETI by the CIA in 1994.
These participants also viewed a collection of excellent photographic, video and movie footage evidence spanning over 40 years and from every continent.
Eleven first hand government and military witnesses were selected to testify before this group of government leaders. For over one and a half hours, they provided definitive and unambiguous testimony regarding UFO/ET events. Their testimony ranged from a world-renown astronomer who was present when an apparent extraterrestrial signal was received at the Harvard observatory (SETI) facility, to an Eisenhower military top secret witness who saw ET metal debris from a UFO crash , to a NASA employee who saw a picture with a UFO clearly in broad daylight which was destined to be air-brushed out before release, to a Navy employee with a top secret clearance who was present in 1981 during a major encounter off the eastern seaboard, which was tracked by satellite, radar, and chased by military planes with a resulting clear day- time photograph.
The richness of detail of this testimony, and the down-to- earth sincerity of these witnesses, was very moving to the gathered officials.
At the end of the briefing, one of the Congressional staffers came to the podium and, unsolicited by us, appealed to those congressional staffers and members of congress gathered to take definitive steps to let this information out to the public.
Numerous congressional offices represented at this historic briefing expressed a sincere desire to move this subject forward and to work with us in obtaining open congressional hearings as soon as possible. There was great enthusiasm for this, and one staffer from a congressional office has volunteered to coordinate these efforts in Washington with CSETI.
The combination of the extensive briefing materials, videotape evidence, first-hand witness testimony and the participation of so many congressional offices and other Washington leaders and dignitaries certainly constitutes the most historic civilian gathering in UFO/ET history.
In planning this event, we had hoped for positive RSVPs from 5-10 Congressional offices. The participation of nearly 30 such offices, as well as representatives from the executive branch and 2 state governors, certainly exceeded our expectations.
Each congressional office and VIP were provided with:
The CSETI Briefing Document and related case materials The Videotape summary of photographs, videos and movie footage of UFOs A copy of the 1965 Edwards Air Force Base Air Traffic Control Tower tape of multiple UFO encounters , with transcript
Following the presentation, a number of congressional staffers remained to discuss this subject with the witnesses and CSETI staff and leaders.
April 10, 1997: 10 am - Briefing at the Pentagon for very senior military staff . The CSETI team present included five members: Dr. Steven Greer, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Shari Adamiak, CSETI's military advisor and an Eisenhower-era first hand UFO/ET witness. This historic briefing lasted nearly one and one half hours and was enthusiastically received by senior Pentagon staff present.
During the afternoon of April 10, follow up with various congressional staffers, other Washington VIPs and the media took place.
7 pm - Reception for invitation-only media briefing. Note: Uninvited media were not allowed into this meeting. For example, long time debunker Phil Klass appeared without an invitation and was politely removed from the reception area. Similarly, had tabloid media appeared, they too would have been asked to leave. This meeting was a background educational briefing for major media only.
7:30 pm - Media Background briefing begins. Present are UPI, The Boston Globe , NBC, ABC the BBC and others. Seven first-hand witnesses provided statements to the media, and a general overview of the subject was provided by Dr. Greer. Following the briefing, a question and answer period took place, and the media all had excellent and insightful questions. It should be noted that the above meeting was a background press briefing, not a press conference. The purpose of the meeting was to provide scientific background materials, and to introduce the invited media to the concept of open congressional hearings on the subject. The CSETI media team felt that such a meeting would be an important step towards preparing the mainstream media for a future disclosure, and would encourage them to cover the subject in an informed and serious manner.
Future Strategic Considerations:
Much work remains to be done to follow up with the considerable interest generated by these briefings. We will be forming a DC Coordinating Committee of congressional staffers, members of congress and other Washington area leaders to facilitate the educational and networking process needed to realize open Congressional hearings on this subject.
Strategically, we sense the need to move quickly with consolidating any interest in Congress on this subject, and to call for open hearings in the near future. In a parallel and therefore complementing effort, we are working with points of contact to other nations and the UN to facilitate an open symposium on the subject at the UN in the near future. We have been advised that the best route to achieve this is to secure the support of other nations with missions to the UN and have them directly ask for such an inquiry and symposium. Anyone with contacts to other nations which may be helpful in this regard should contact Dr. Greer as soon as possible.
Unless there are positive results from these efforts within a reasonable amount of time, it is our intent to move forward with a civilian disclosure process independent of any governmental involvement. We feel that the subject must be placed on the national and international agenda, and that we must have the resolve to move forward with or without specific governmental support or involvement.
However, the gravity of the subject, together with the far-reaching and deep ramifications of such a disclosure, necessitates a cautious, deliberate and inclusive policy for the present. We feel that it is imperative to provide excellent scientific cases, evidence and witness testimony to appropriate government leaders, in the US and elsewhere, thus empowering them to take the subject seriously, and to provide positive leadership. Only after such efforts, which are nearing completion, can we feel that we have done all that is possible to empower the democratic institutions which are the bedrock of our society.
As a civilian group taking a leadership position in this matter we feel that it is essential that we also move towards a global civilian multi-media educational project. Even should the Congress or UN take up this subject, it will be necessary for us to continue to provide perspective, a framework of understanding on the subject, and accurate information and evidence.
The concerned and interested public are encouraged to do the following to assist us in this historic undertaking:
The time has come for the world to know that we are not alone in this vast universe. The era of excessive secrecy, which is so corrosive to a free and democratic society, must end. Working together, we can create a truly open and free society, which through much deliberation and wise efforts, may someday take its place among other planetary civilizations.
15 April 1997 Steven M. Greer M.D. CSETI Director PO Box 15401 Asheville NC
28813 704-274-5671 - Fax: 704-274-6766 email: Dr_ET@compuserve.com