Copper Catch
Concerning the earthquake predictions using AM radio reception comparisons, try this thought on for size: The
friction or stress underground creates a static charge. Similar to rubbing a sweater and touching a doorknob. This
static charge when spread over a large area could induce a very slight electromagnetic field, like listening to
lightning crackly over the radio when an electrical storm is near. Only so slight as to be nigh impossible to
measure. This natural charge could influence the reception by altering the radio waves as they pass through the
atmosphere. Aircraft with modern navigation and computer systems have HERF protection through shielded wires
and numerous grounds attached to the wire bundles passing through the structure, as even the slightest stray field
can dramatically alter data as it is passed from computer to computer.
My suggestion is to try this:
- Fabricate a grounding wire approx., 2 feet long, of single strand copper. Take a 18 inch piece of copper pipe
and drive it into the ground with a provision for attaching one end of the ground wire securely to it.
- Find a metal contact place somewhere on the radio frame (possibly at the negative pole of your battery
cluster) where you can secure the other end of the ground. do not attach this ground to the antenna!
- When the reception anomaly is suspected, hook up this arrangement and see if a difference is found between
the 2 configurations.
- If there is a difference, it could be measured with a device called a "megger", short for megometer. These are
available at any well supplied electronic supply shop.
- Drive a ground pole into the earth and stretch an un-shielded wire from it to a point several feet away, say,
suspended from a tree limb. the wire should have 10 loops like this---------O---------- wound into it at the
middle. Like an extension cord hanked with both ends dangling. The megger is passed through the center of
the loops and around the outside radius when taking a reading.
- These loops multiply the actual reading into something the instrument can detect. just take the reading and
divide by 10 to get the actual.
This sometimes works when looking for stray EMF around high tension lines. I agree it's off-the cuff, but it costs
almost nothing but time and may yield some surprises. Let me know what ya'll think.
Offered by Al.