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Here is a list of poisonous plants. It must be understood that different parts of plants may not be poisonous, but one must be careful and study well. There is a herbal medicine book one can buy called Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royall that is helpful for knowing which parts to use safely. Below is a list of toxic plants that was printed in a hospital newspaper that was sent to me.
aneome holly berries marcissus angel trumpet tree horsetail reed nightshade apricot (kernels) hyacinth oleander arrowhead hydarngea periwinkle avacado (leaves) iris peyote azaleas ivy (certain varieties) philadendron betel nut palm jack in the pulpit poison hemlock bittersweet jerquirity bean or pea poison oak buckeye jeruaslem cherry poppy (except California) buttercups jessamine pokeweek caladium jimson weed (thorn apple) potatoe sprouts calla lily jonquil primrose castor bean lantana camara (red sage) ranuculus cherries (wild and cultivated) larkspur rhododendron crocrus (autumn) laurels rhubarb (blade) daffadil lilly of the valley rosary pea daphne lobelia star of bethlehem delphinium marijuana sweet pea flower devils ivy mayapple tobacco dieffenbachia (dumb cake) mistletoe tomato (vines) elderberry moonseed tulip elephant ear monkshood water hemlock english ivy morning glory wisteria four o'clock mushroom yew foxglove
Offered by Kristy.