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Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis Shift in Cayce Quotes

In Article  <> Idon't wrote:
> Reviewed that link and some others. Thanks. I don't fully
> inderstand the technology used for detecting Solar 
> magnetism, but they certainly seem to be seeing it. 

Since NASA has no evidence, other than the viewing of sunspots and
flares, to support their current theory of Sun magnetic field reversal,
here's the Zeta explanation of what what's actually going on.  Existing
ZetaTalk on Solar Flares and NASA's reluctance to entertain any other
explanation that the magnetic. More to follow ... 

    What is termed sunspots have long been recognized to 
    have an effect on life on Earth - static on the radio, 
    disrupted satellite transmissions, and some weather 
    anomalies caused by what we would call tornado 
    activity in the upper atmosphere due to rapid heating 
    of the air there - but few of their effects are known. 
    Solar flares occur when the core of the Sun reacts to 
    factors it is sensitive to, just as the core of the Earth is 
    increasing its activity in response to the approach of 
    [Planet X]. The influences that affect the Sun are not 
    related to gravity or even to the Sun's magnetic field, 
    which spreads far outside the Solar System, but to energy
    fields that man has yet to discover. 

    Gaseous planets and Suns, lit or unlit, do not have 
    homogeneous cores any more than bodies with liquid cores
    such as the Earth. Humans tend to think of air or gaseous 
    clouds or liquid pools as being homogeneous, but in truth 
    heavier particles settle down, lighter particle rise, and other
    particles disperse slowly from their point of entry into the 
    soup. The process by which the Sun releases light and heat 
    also releases other energy, unrecognized by man. This 
    process is not homogeneous, and thus buildup and release 
    occur, just as weather disturbances occur in the atmosphere 
    due to irregular heating and cooling. Any lack of 
    consistency in a body's core has the potential of causing 
    core rotation, as the components try to escape or approach 
    that which they are repulsed by or attracted to in the 
    neighborhood. Thus, the Sun's core swirls, and when lighter 
    elements rush toward the surface their motion is not 
    impeded by the gaseous surface and overshooting occurs - a 
    solar flare. 

    The effect on Earth is in the realm of energy disruption, a 
    surge of the various energy arenas that humans are aware of 
    and others they are unaware of. Solar flares affect the activity 
    of fish and kelp in the sea, in that water bends and deflects 
    some energy rays and thus concentrates them. Just as humans 
    find themselves more restless during a full moon, life in the 
    sea is a bit more restless during solar flares - energized. Solar 
    flares do not affect the core of the Earth, nor are they causing
    increased earthquake activity. This explanation by the 
    establishment for increased activity in the Earth's core is to 
    avoid mentioning the approach of [Planet X], and is easily 
    rebutted. Have sunspots resulted in earthquakes in the past?
        ZetaTalkā„¢, Solar Flares