Re: Life on Zeta Reticuli?
In Article <> Andrew C. Rood wrote:
> With the approach of the 40th anniversary of
> the (alleged) abduction of Barney and Betty Hill,
> it's time to re-visit the prospect of possible
> intelligent life in this star system. What do YOU
> think?
Well, here's what the Zetas have to say about that ...
Our home planet is in the star system of Zeta
Reticuli, or, shall we say, what you term Zeta
Reticuli. We, of course, have our own names for
things. Zeta Reticuli is indeed a binary star system,
or at least that part of it you, on Earth, are aware of.
In fact, there is much more to the star system than
you are aware of. The binary stars circle each other
on an extreme end of Zeta Reticuli, less than 1/3
into the star system itself. The other 2/3 are
composed of stars not visible to you, on Earth, but
nevertheless affecting the gravitational pull of the
other stars and planets in the system. These other
2/3 of the bulk of the star system are only evident
by the erratic nature of the dance visible to you, on
Earth, of the two visible binary stars.
What we are telling you, is that the planet we
originate from is not known to you, as it is part of
the 2/3 mass of the star system not known to you.
Do you think our eyes got so large because our sun
was bright? It has been rumored that our planet
is dying, and that this is the reason we are seeking
genetic rebirth on your planet, Earth. In fact, our
planet is long dead, and we Zetas have been living
by artificial means for eons. We learned to live in
cavities within planets, and by artificial light.
ZetaTalkā¢, Zeta Reticuli
Early Zeta differed from our present form primarily
in brain size and mental capacities. Early Zeta was
also stockier, shorter, had large flat feet and in
appearance was something of a low brow, with the
head jutting out the back rather than rounding. Our
large eyes were an adaptation to our worlds, dim by
your standards, so Early Zeta was a bit blind on his
new home, not a problem as the only danger Early
Zeta faced was from others of his kind. Our worlds
do not contain carnivorous, nor even herbivorous
animals - just plants and bugs.
ZetaTalkā¢, Early Zeta