Re: Honest Question: Poleshift and the Pyramids
In Article <> Aaron Steiner wrote:
> Nancy, I heard that the pyramids are older than we
> once thought. If the last shift occurred after the
> pyramids were built how come they line up perfectly
> with the North Pole and Orion? This must mean that
> they were built after the last shift. Thoughts?
The Zetas have stated that the Great Pyramids were built as sighting
devices to look toward Orion and the inbound Planet X. They cite the
long tubes ending in an apparently empty room, recently discovered.
Like the long tube of a telescope, this was positioned to catch the
light from Planet X when it hoved into view, to reflect up the second
tube and be 'sighted".
In that pyramids were a burial site for Egyptian rulers, the
Giant Pyramids were first assumed to be mega-burial sites.
This theory flew until astronomical sighting tunnels were
discovered, but the original theory still circulates. Folklore
states that the Giant Pyramids were a sighting device
pointing toward Orion, originally, and this is correct. Now,
due to movement of the continents during pole shift, it no
longer points there, but the Giant Pyramids seem to align
North and South in a precise manner. So new theories
emerge. Why would the ancients need such a device to
locate north and south, when a simple sundial marked with
the seasons would have sufficed? Had the Giant Pyramids
not lined up in this manner, at present, then whatever the
alignment happened to be would find a theory emerging to
explain the purpose of the Giant Pyramids.
ZetaTalkā¢, Astronomical Markers
[Planet X] approaches from Orion, and as the timing of its
approach could vary as much as a year or more, based on
various influences on its long voyage, there was much
concern among the mining crews operating within the
Earth's Solar System that an accurate early warning
system be established. We have mentioned that the Great
Pyramids were a sighting devise, such that the light from
the approaching [Planet X] would flood down a narrow
passage and reflect off a pool of liquid, an unmistakable
signal to those nervously watching and needing to
synchronize their shuttle paths to their traveling home.
Where [Planet X] would arrive from the same locale
each time, the Earth's position would change, based on
where she was in her orbit around the Sun. Thus, various
pieces of instructions from one trip or another remain,
some seemingly in conflict with another on this facet or
that, especially as the Earth's crust moved with each pole
shift. There is no conflict if one considers that depending
on the Earth's position, [Planet X] would appear to veer
far to the left or come in from the right, disappear behind
the Sun or stand in front of it, or appear as a distant star
or as the planetary giant it is.
ZetaTalkā¢, From Orion