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Planet X: FLASHES Increase

    Accompanying booms caused by heaving seas in
    response to earth movements will increasingly be flashes
    of light, leading the startled public to perceive that an
    explosion might have happened. As the booms happen
    over water where could the spark for an explosion come
    from? These are indeed related to the booms, and are
    indeed explosions, and emerge from the same source.
    As we have stated in explanation to the Tunguska
    explosion, great pools of methane gas lie trapped under
    the surface in certain areas of the world, due to rotting
    debris trapped under layers of volcanic ash or sediment.
    Just as the booms indicate adjustments in the sea bed
    causing heaving water to clap, just so the flashes
    indicate adjustments in land masses allowing the methane
    gas to escape and on occasion spark into an explosion.
        ZetaTalkā„¢, Flashes

Science Frontiers #99
May-June1995, by William R. Corliss

    One of the strongest earthquake illuminations came
    during the Chinese earthquake of 1976, when it was
    reported that the lights at the centre of the earthquake
    were bright enough to turn night into day. As far as
    320 kilometres from the epicenter of the quake people
    woke up thinking their room lights had been turned on.

Strange Blaze Near England, Arkansas, Puzzles Police
Arkansas Democrat Gazette, March 11, 2000

    A mysterious fire scorched 40 acres early Friday
    morning before emergency workers controlled it, central
    Arkansas officials said. The Pulaski County Emergency
    Management Department responded to the fire just before
    midnight a few miles south of England when a call
    alerted officials to a possible plane crash, Emergency
    Management Director Kathy Botsford said. No evidence
    of a plane crash was found. The fire burned parts of
    Pulaski, Lonoke and Jefferson counties. Most of the
    damage was sustained on land in Jefferson County,
    which is in charge of the investigation, according to
    Lt. Eugene Butler of that county's sheriff's office. Only
    one house sits near the l50-foot-wide, mile-long area
    that burned, but no damage was reported to that building.
    A pipeline explosion was also suggested as a cause of
    the fire, but Botsford said that the contents of the pipes
    running rough the area are nonflammable and the
    company that owns the pipes said no leaks had been