- The great snowfall of 1996 in the US was notable more for its swath across the eastern half of the United
States than for any particular record, although The New York Times reported on January 9, 1996 that records
fell as the flakes fell, as several records for 24-hour snowfalls were broken.
- In January, 1996 a brutal cold snap covered the central US from coast to coast with the New York Times
reporting on February 2, 1996 that below zero temperatures breaking centuries old records were registered in
many areas.
- Earthweek in the San Francisco Chronicle reported on March 2, 1996 that China's Qinghai province was
experiencing the worst blizzard this century and that thousands are suffering from frostbite and
- The New York Times reported on May 21, 1996 that several states from Colorado to the Northeast states have
recorded their highest May readings ever.
- Drought is being experienced in non-desert areas, with the southwest US experiencing a return to the Dust
Bowl days and northeast Slovenia receiving no rain at all during May, 1996, normally a wet month.
- Reuter in Beijing reported on July 7, 1996 that more than one million Chinese in one province alone were
guarding against some of the worst floods in over a century where the floods hit the provinces of Hubei,
Guizhou, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi, causing more than $2.0 billion of damage.
- The Drudge Report stated on July 17, 1996 that 17 inches of rain fell in a 24-hour period in Chicago, the
heaviest rainfall in Chicago-area history, and the The National Weather Service reported the rainfall of 17
inches in Aurora, Illinois to be the second-highest amount ever during a day in the United States since such
records have been kept.
- The Geneva Situation Report No. 7 reported on July 23, 1996 that Yemen, in Arabia, had flooding with 338
- The Associated Press reported on November 7, 1996 that India's southeast coast was hit by back-to-back
cyclones during a three-week period, with more forecasted.
- The 1996 hurricane season had 6 major hurricanes, unprecedented in any past record.
- Reports from Moscow stated that Moscow and the North Urals had higher temperatures during the first few
days of December than recorded in over 117 years.
- Simultaneously the Associated Press reported on December 14, 1996 that northeast Russia experienced such
severe ice storms, never before experienced, that 6,000 reindeer died of starvation.
- NASA's Global Hydrology and Climate Center reported on December 11, 1996 that space-based
measurements recorded 1996 as the coldest on record for the Earth's lowest stratosphere, from 9 to 14 miles
above the Earth, since these measurement were begun in 1979.
- The Washington Post reported on January 28, 1997 that 1996 was considered the wettest year on record for
Oregon, Idaho, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
- The Millennium Matters reported on February 21, 1997 that a US Department of Agriculture Press
Release stated that the strange and inclement weather had reduced the non-citrus fruit crops. The 1996 apple
production was 9% below 1994, grape production down 6% from 1994, peach production down 10% from
1995, pear production down 18% from 1995.
- The Associated Press reported on May 6, 1997 that Venice experienced 80 high water marks during
November and December, 1996, a record for the century.
The Weather Watch extreme weather map at the end of 1996 looked like this: