Wobble Sunsets
A change in the Earth wobble was discussed recently in Issue
558 published earlier this month. The Polar Push has
strengthened, causing undue heat from Europe to the Far East of
Russia. This region is pushed south during the Polar Push,
shoved to a lower latitude, being on the opposite side of the
Pacific. But what is now causing twilight to linger past
midnight in the UK and in the US, and the Sun to set too far in
the Northwest in these regions? As noted on a discussion on the
message board posted on June 17.

- 10:25 PM and there is Western
light in the sky? .. I see it in Missouri. Orange brown
tint. .. It sets further to our northwest now as well. The
planetary bodies are not right or something. … Michigan
here. And yes it was way to bright and far North West … UK
here. Went out for a smoke and noticed it. It seemed way
out of place. … I walked out my front door about 7:15 PM
local time, and I was thinking to myself, "the Sun seems
way too far to the northwest". … Same here in Germany. … I
swear on my life I’m seeing an orangish faint light in the
northwest in central Florida and it’s 12 AM. … I noticed
the same thing. I'm working from home tonight in Chicago
and while I was on the phone glanced out the window and
noticed the sky was still pretty light. Didn't think much
of it until after I got off the phone and realized how
late it was. This was at like 10 PM or maybe even a little
after. … Late light has never been 11:00 pm. Only in
Alaska maybe. … 11 PM Here in Texas and sky out west is
still glowing pretty good. … What’s it mean? I've lived in
the Midwest my entire life. I've never seen the Sun still
out after 10 PM for as long as I can ever remember. … Here
in Missouri, the sunset was at 8:26 PM. At 9:30 it was
still light out in the western skies. The sun is higher on
the horizon than it used to be, and it sets further north
in June than it used too. Simple observations. I've lived
in the same place for 30 years. … Well how the hell was I
seeing the sunset after 10 PM in Chicago when the official
sunset is listed at 8:38 PM? Sunsets are not just random.
They can be calculated to the exact second based off the
Earths rotation and the Earths rotation around the Sun. …
As a pilot, I know all about magnetic north and true
north, evening civil twilight, etc. (FAA rules). If
someone grows up in an area south of a certain point, they
shouldn't be seeing twilight at 10:30 PM. … I'm 47 and the
only time it was light that late at night, in my
experience, was when I spent a summer working in
Ketchikan, Alaska but the farther North you travel, during
the summer months, the longer the days are …
The UK was formerly caught in a lean, where the sunset for the
UK would appear to be too far to the northwest, and the US was
formerly caught in what the Zetas have called the bounce back
from the Polar Push, where the Sun would appear too high in the
sky. But the recent observations seem more extreme. What is
clear is that Nibiru is affecting the Earth wobble to the extent
that it cannot be denied! The establishment may choose to claim
this is all just Auroras, but how to explain the Sun setting too
far in the northwest, or too high in the sky overhead in the US?
How to explain that the southwest US is roasting, while the East
Coast is cool?

We have noted there seems to be a creeping
announcement. It seems this also includes educating the
public on the proper terminology to be used. Nemesis has
returned, at least in the Main Stream Media. Nemesis is the
Sun’s dark, unlit binary, and was the focus of the search in the
early 1980’s for the gravity tug out toward Orion, as noted in Issue 296 of the newsletter and the RabbitHole
site. But Nemesis does not travel through the Solar System
to cause destruction. Nibiru is the Planet of the Crossing,
which slings between these two suns to pass through the Solar
System every 3,600 years, causing Pole Shifts on Earth and
general havoc.

- Bad Star Rising: Sun’s Twin ‘Nemesis’
could have caused Dinosaur Extinction
June 14, 2017
- New research has offered evidence
to support the theory that our sun was born with a
non-identical twin named “Nemesis” and some astronomers
are blaming it for the death of the dinosaurs. Scientists
have long noted, and sought to explain, the phenomenon of
stars having companions. Now a new analysis by scientists
from Harvard and UC Berkeley suggests that nearly all
stars are born with a twin. Our sun’s twin, which has been
dubbed “Nemesis,” would have orbited the same point as our
sun before venturing off into the galaxy. The star has
never been found, but new research suggests that it must
have existed because all stars are born in pairs. Nemesis
picked up its ominous sounding name from a theory that
suggests it launched the asteroid that killed off the
- 'Nemesis', the Evil Twin of the Sun
Accused of causing Destruction on Earth, Does Exist
June 14, 2017
- It's long been suspected that our
sun has an evil twin called 'Nemesis' - a dwarf star
guilty of hurling objects from the outer solar system
towards Earth. Scientists even believe that the sun's
missing sibling kicked an asteroid into Earth's orbit that
collided with our planet and killed the dinosaurs. Now,
for the first time, scientists have found proof that
Nemesis may exist somewhere in the universe after
revealing that all stars are born in pairs. A wide binary
companion to our sun would have been 17 times farther from
the sun than its most distant planet today, Neptune.

And indeed, from the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas have
stated that Nemesis is 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away. In 2016
when the Planet 9 discovery was
announced, it was claimed to be 20 Sun-Pluto distances away in
the direction of Orion.

ZetaTalk Statement
2001: This
unlit binary sun lies some 18.74 times the distance from your
Sun to Pluto, at an 11 degree angle from the ecliptic, in the
direction of the constellation of Orion.
ZetaTalk Statement
10/15/1995: This
second foci of [Nibiru] has not been located by your
astronomers because it is dark, not lit, and does not happen
to block any view your astronomers are particularly interested
in. They think it empty space. Unlike the Sun, this dark twin
never lit. Although comparable in size and mass, its
composition was subtly different, and it has no potential for
becoming a lit sun under the present conditions in your part
of the Universe. It has no planets of any size to mention,
though is orbited by a lot of trash. Should one wish to search
for it, it stands at an angle of 11 degrees off the Earth's
orbital plane around the Sun, in the same direction we have
given for the approach of [Nibiru].
Wobble Warships
More proof that the wobble has intensified are the recent
collisions of the USS Fitzgerald and the USS Lake Champlain
Ticonderoga with local maritime traffic in May and June. On May
9 the USS Lake Champlain Ticonderoga was bashed by a fishing
vessel which suddenly appeared, per reports. This occurred on
the north side of S Korea in mid-afternoon. On June 16 the USS
Fitzgerald was bashed by a container ship on the east coast of
Japan at 2:30 am in the morning. In both cases, per the Zetas,
the land moved, creating a void in the water just off shore
which caused the sloshing water to move the smaller vessels. The
Zetas explain.

- 7 U.S. Navy Sailors Missing off
Japan’s Coast after Destroyer Collides with Container Ship
June 17, 2017
- The Fitzgerald, which is more
than 500 feet long, collided with a fully laden,
Philippine-flagged container ship, the ACX Crystal, about
2:30 a.m. local time, about 12 miles from the Izu
Peninsula and 56 nautical miles southwest of Yokosuka.
Helicopter footage showed the container ship with minor
damage to its bow, while the Fitzgerald appeared to have
significant damage above and below the waterline. Also
unclear was how the two massive vessels collided. There
are extensive international guidelines for accident
avoidance at sea known as the International Regulations
for Preventing Collisions at Sea, or Colregs. The rules
require that ships must have a watch posted at all times
and follow a number of collision-avoidance steps when
crossing paths with or overtaking other vessels.

- US Warship & S. Korean Fishing
Boat Collide in Sea of Japan
May 9, 2017
- The USS Lake Champlain
Ticonderoga-class cruiser has collided with a South Korean
fishing vessel during drills in the Sea of Japan. The
vessels crashed during a training mission in Japanese
waters, 70 miles (112km) east of Gyeongbuk Province. No
casualties have been reported so far. The cause of the
accident remains unclear and is to be investigated. The
boat suddenly appeared near the warship, which at the time
was involved in drills along with another vessel.
- US Navy Ship Collides with South
Korean Fishing Boat
May 10, 2017
- A US guided-missile cruiser was
struck by a South Korean fishing boat. The fishing vessel
crew later said it didn't have a radio and didn't hear the
radio calls from the Navy.
ZetaTalk Analysis
6/24/2017: It
is not common for these big war ships to suffer a collision.
How can they be missed? They are huge. Their radar is modern,
and even if radio communication is faulty, fog horns and
clanging bells cannot be missed. The public will never get
anything but some vapid excuse, as usual, because both these
collisions were caused by the Earth wobble. The cover-up over
Nibiru will prevail. Both these collisions happened in an
essential bay area, where water displacement did not have room
to disburse easily. Look at the time of day for these
The Fitzgerald was struck at 2:30 am on June 16, off the East
Coast of Japan, when the Sun is rising over the Pacific and
Nibiru’s magnetic N Pole is shoving the Earth’s magnetic N
Pole as it looms up over the horizon. Japan is shoved
violently northward during this Polar Push, creating a void in
the bay area so sloshing and wave action offshore along the
Pacific occurred. Water seeks its level, and seeks to fill the
void. Boats find themselves suddenly displaced, and thrown
The Lake Champlain
Ticonderoga collision occurred 12 hours later on May 9, in the
afternoon when the Earth is doing a bounce back from the daily
Polar Push against the Earth’s magnetic N Pole. Here S Korea
was suddenly moved southward, again creating a void along its
northern coastline, which results in the sloshing and wave
action that can suddenly displace boats. Small boats in
particular are unable to resist being carried by such wave
action, which moves a large amount of water en mass.
London Ablaze
The UK is in the thick of conflict with their Muslim
immigrants, whom they welcomed in the past.
There was the attack on pedestrians on London's Westminster
Bridge on March 22 where the van driver tried to rush into
Parliament wielding a knife and fatally stabbed a
policeman. There was the Manchester
concert attack on May 23 where young people were gunned
down as they tried to exit the concert, an 8 year old girl among
those killed. There was the June 4 London
Bridge pedestrian attack via van and stabbings, where
pedestrians dove into the Thames to escape. On June 19 a
man from Wales drove into Muslims leaving a mosque. Polite
London had become a war zone.

- Van Rams Muslim Worshippers in London
Jun 19, 2017
- A van plowed into worshippers
near a London mosque, injuring 11 people. The driver, a
47-year-old white man, was grabbed at the scene by locals
and pinned down until police arrived. The man was not
named by police but local media reported he was a father
of four who lived in Wales. He was held on suspicion of
attempted murder which was later extended to preparing or
instigating terrorism, including murder and attempted
murder. After being seized, he said he had wanted to kill
"many Muslim people", one witness told journalists.
ZetaTalk Opinion
6/10/2017: In
a country where the police do not even carry guns, it will
require a major shift to get the upper hand. In the meantime,
the UK will gradually become a police state.
The welcome mat extended to immigrants in London included
welfare and public housing. The most recent horror for London
was a dramatic inferno in one of those high rise apartment
buildings – public housing filled with Muslim immigrants. The
June 14 horror could not have been worse, as up to 500 residents
were burned alive. To compound the horror, due to cost savings
and incompetence, the building had been covered with flammable
foam, and interior changes like fire proof doors were never

- London's Grenfell Tower Blaze killed
500 Residents
June 17, 2017
- British media have censored the
death of hundreds of people who have lost their lives in
the Grenfell Tower fire in west London. The more than 500
people unaccounted from Grenfell Tower fire are dead. The
building was home to about 600 people.
- Was Cladding to Blame for Rapid
Spread of Fire?
June 15, 2017
- Cut price cladding added to tower
blocks built in the 1970s could be to blame for the rapid
spread of a fire. New plastic rain-proof cladding was
installed at Grenfell Tower in White City, London, in May
2016 as part of a £10million refurbishment - but 'went up
like a match' and helped the fire spread quickly from the
fourth to 27th floor. But Grenfell Tower, run by Tenant
Management Organisation for the Royal Borough of
Kensington and Chelsea Council, was not modernised during
the employee's two decades working in the property area of
the authority. Often fire alarms didn't work and a new
external fire escape was not installed because it would
cost too much.
- Burned to Ashes: Aftermath of
Grenfell Tower Blaze from Inside
June 19, 2017
- London Metropolitan Police have
on Sunday released footage from inside Grenfell Tower.

Beyond the horror for London, this towering inferno speaks to
the fires that will break out in cities during great earthquakes
or the coming Pole Shift. The Zetas advise: be out of the
cities and ready to lie in a shallow trench during the hour of
the shift. The Last Weeks should be your timing guide for this.
When they start, don’t delay. During the Pole Shift fuel
depots and fuel lines will explode, as occurred in Puerto
Rico in 2009. Electrical fires,
caused by electromagnetic pulse, can start above or below
ground, as these fires in London in 2015 show.

ZetaTalk Advice
11/30/2002: Refineries
and storage tanks of oil and natural gas and gasoline will be
broken and set afire during the shift, creating a holocaust
for all nearby. Likewise gasoline stations, fuel pumps, and
even tightly sealed tanks may rupture and leak, also a
continuing danger for any nearby. Natural gaslines in streets
will run fire along the street, setting houses ablaze where
they would otherwise not be in such danger. Natural gas in
lines under cities will cause explosions, setting the cities
on fire and burning many trapped citizens in a painful death.

ZetaTalk Comment
4/11/2015: Lowlands
such as Amsterdam and London are sited on thin crust, which
pulls taut during the stretch, and these cities are also
soggy, close to the water table. What is the clue that
electromagnetic pulse was the cause of the London fires? They
simultaneously flared up in more than one location, at a long
distance from each other.
Fires in cities can be started readily during earthquakes, as
the San Francisco quake of 1906 attests. 90% of the destruction
was caused by fire, not by quake damage. Fire fighting equipment
was hampered by trash in the roads and the inability to get
water to pump through hoses. Modern cities are certainly not
prepared for quake damage fires, but rather are in a worse
situation. Homes are heated by natural gas, piped everywhere,
which will spark and explode. Electrical wires likewise are
everywhere, and live wires can spark a fire.

- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- Devastating fires soon broke out
in the city and lasted for several days. As a result,
about 3,000 people died and over 80% of the city of San
Francisco was destroyed. The events are remembered as one
of the worst and deadliest natural disasters in the
history of the United States. It has been estimated that
up to 90% of the total destruction was the result of the
subsequent fires. Within three days, over 30 fires, caused
by ruptured gas mains, destroyed approximately 25,000
buildings on 490 city blocks. One of the largest of these
fires was accidentally started in a house on Hayes Street
by a woman making breakfast for her family. This came to
be known as the "Ham and Eggs Fire". Some were started
when firefighters, untrained in the use of dynamite,
attempted to demolish buildings to create firebreaks. The
dynamited buildings themselves often caught fire. In all,
the fires burned for four days and nights.