Nick's List
Great question this, caused some real thought.
- Army style square mess tin, with two main meal packets from MREs inside
- survival bag - orange plastic type
- 2 lt. fold flat water container
- beta light
- fishing Kit :- 100" nylon line, several swivels, 2 x wire traces, selection of small hooks, various shot
weights and a single ledger type
- solid, full tang fixed blade knife, which is the continuation of the blade into the handle of the knife. A "full
tang" runs the full length of the handle and provides the stronget construction
- eatherman tool, which is a multi-function tool in the vein of a Swiss Army Knife, it contains various
screwdrivers, a blade, scissors and a dolding pair of pliers in a small convenient package
- "pocket-pal" sharpener, which is a small shaped diamond hone for sharpening knives
- small coil of brass wire for animal snares, although it's useful for many purposes
- wire saw
- 6 large nails for various reasohns, a fish spear springs to mind
- 2 disposable butane lighters
- zippo lighter
- lifeboat matches
- flint + steel
- shemagh, which is a scarf or headress of middle eastern origin, made of loose weave cotton, it is one of the
most useful purchaces I've ever made.
- compass, Silva type, a brand name, it's a standard protractor based compass
- pencil & waterproof notepad, which can be purchased in outdoor shops, they are made of chemically
treated paper
- nylon cordage as much as can be fit
- polythene bin liners, again as many as can fit. The big black plastic bags are useful in shelter design and for
carrying things, keeping stuff dry, etc.
- deck of cards
- trioxane/hexamine bar, which is solid fuel, used in folding camp cookers
- as much toilet paper as I can cram into the empty spaces left!
Offered by Nick.