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Lou Gentile Show
August 27, 2004
Nancy only taped her side of the Interview.
A brief paraphrase of the question or comment made by Lou has been inserted.
The first half of the Interview was discussing the content of the web page prepared for the show, content at the link Lou!
This is a long interview, on more than one web page, continuing links to next page at bottom.
NANCY: Glad to be back for my monthly update. Im doing great, thanks, but how about you, slipping and sliding in Pennsylvania, more sinkholes,
roadways destabilizing, sliding into quarries and the like. Any of that affecting you personally?
LOU: {Not so far.]
NANCY: Today I have my usual update, but Im going to spend a little less time belaboring orbit changes and disasters around the world, and focus on
Florida vs the Pole Shift. In other words, what happened with Charlie, and how this is a preview of what people can expect during the pole shift, because
it kind of brings it home.
I do want to touch on a cold spot migration which perfectly documents the Earth wobbles which the Zetas announced to the world would happen, on this
very Lou Gentile show on May 25. They said it would start to become evident, and it did, in May. We had the Hudson Bay cold spot. And then, in July
people were noticing cold water off Nova Scotia, the cold water anomaly. Ive been collecting weather maps from weatherunderground.com, and
showing this periodically. This month, the Earth wobble has gotten extreme. Depending upon where you are in the world, the Sun is either continuing to
move to the North, or very rapidly moving to the South. The Earth wobble as described by the Zetas over a month ago in detail, said the USA and
Siberia, the Hudson Bay cold spot and across the globe over there in Siberia are where the N Pole points away from the Sun and therefore thats going
into Fall, and the other two parts of the globe are over the Pacific including Alaska and Japan and Europe, are where it tilts toward the Sun. And they are
continuing to have the Sun too far to the North if not migrating to the North and very warm weather. This is very dramatic. You can see the migration in
the maps here from August 19 to August 25. Folks, go and check my website and click on that right hand side where I have Lous name with an
exclamation point for this most recent, the page that I put up for the Lou Gentile show, and I have these maps side by side. The cold spot, the Hudson
Bay cold spot, has migrated now to where its approaching Alaska, its moving along the Rockies, and guess what, over there in Siberia, lower Siberia,
here we have a Siberian cold spot developing. It is warmer above that spot, and all around that spot. We have the same thing at Hudson Bay. Well, so
much for the Hudson Bay cold spot, and Siberian cold spot, documenting whats going on, and this call comes together with reports from people who are
observing where they find the Sun and the weather reports.
The second thing I wanted to talk about was an interesting convergence of signs. The Zetas have mentioned this, where you can take the weather, the
Earth wobble, the Moon and Sun and constellations appear to be and how many fireballs we have coming in, just a slew of them, and these are not just
the annual such and such meteors, these are big rocks that are thudding down, and you can pull this together with what the ancients have said, ancient
prophecies, and folklore has reported for convergence, and also the photos that I get from people. So there was something interesting on the Dark Star
website, that somebody alerted me to. They were talking about a couple diagrams from ancient Babylon and something more recent. Ancient Babylon
goes way back and is reputed to be per Sitchin, Zacharia Sitchin, was the hominoids that inhabit this passing planet (Planet X, Nibiru, Marduk, under
various names) they were on Earth mining for Gold and relayed to the ancient Babylonians, Summeria and the like, particulars about its passage and what
to look for. And theres another drawing, I take it to be Middle Ages, a drawing about a dragon, Azoth, with its tail wrapped around two suns and a
moon. The moon happens to be reflecting light from both those suns, and we have had that reported, where the moon will appear to have a light source
other than the sun, in addition to the sun. And also the ancient Babylonian shows the moon and two suns.
Well, one of the hallmarks of my photo section has been the Second Sun, and I have an example of one from South Africa, 9 months ago I believe it was,
a very dramatic photo capture of the Second Sun which has been seen by many. They think the Sun has risen, and woops, here comes a Second Sun, so
the first one was either false, or the second, in any case, two suns rising and two suns setting. Were having less of that today because Planet X is so
close to the Sun, so that is just extra brilliant and almost harshly metallic and white, not yellow, in appearance. But a year ago, and up to 6 months ago,
the Second Sun was dramatic. So also crop circles show and interesting correlation which is that its not simply going to be that the planet zips past
causing a pole shift, were going to be in for a wild ride. A dual 270° roll as Planet X moves along the magnetic flow lines of the Sun, and then it tries to
align with the Sun, and then its below the Ecliptic and then above. Actually, if you play with magnets, you cannot force a 270° roll. If you float balls in
water, that are magnetized, and have the dominant one go below, then above, then move them closer or whatever to see what a free floating magnet
might do, you cant get that 270° roll, so something else is going on there. One of those thousands of sub-atomic particle flows the Zetas are always
talking about. But here is depicted the contorted 270° roll, not only in crop circles but in these ancient drawings. Also, we have photos showing Planet X
moving, as we look toward the Sun, from the right to the left. Its migrating to be more Sun centered, and coming between us, and the visualization of
where we can expect to see the moon swirls and the corpus in photos, or what people have reported looking through welders lens at the Sun, and see
these moon swirls and even being able to see them move, which they do, they twirl amongst themselves. So all these things are signs that confirm each
And the next thing I want to go into is the lessons of hurricane Charlie, but first Im going to pause, take a sip of tea, and let you get a word in edgewise.
LOU: [Where is Planet X now?]
NANCY: Its so much in front of the Sun that there is no change, really. Now, Ive thought about how to graphically explain. People say how long it is
going to take, how long has it been there beside the Sun, and it doesnt seem to be moving, but this particular planet does not orbit round and round.
The planets around our Sun are all on the Ecliptic plane, and they all move in the same direction, counterclockwise, and thats not by accident. Were
being swept around by the Suns internal rotation, by what the Zetas describe as sweeping arms of particle flows that come out from the Sun like a big
broom, several of them actually, and sweeping us around in a counterclockwise orbit. We cant go into the Sun because were held at bay by various
subatomic particles that are crowded. Its kind of like, its too intense, and particle want to diminish crowding. They push back, so we go as close as we
can. And yet were held from moving out into space by gravity which pulls us toward the Sun. So these are the dynamics that keep planets going round
and round in their orbits more or less, bobbing around, floating. And Planet X comes in, has a sling orbit, it comes in and slings through the solar system,
turns around, slings back, because it has two suns that its slinging back and forth between. It overshoots and turns around and shoots back. So it came in
very rapidly from the outer solar system, at a fraction of the speed of light, not the speed of light, I should say not the speed of light but more than. And
people said thats not possible for a body to move in. Well, the Zetas response was there is no friction in space, and how do you know how fast a
body can move?. And the speed of light isnt even the fastest, thats what they said. So it came in very rapidly, and zoomed in from the direction of
Orion, and then put on the brakes as it got close to the Sun because of the Repulsion Force, which is an anti-gravity force. There a very technical
explanation for this on the ZetaTalk website in the Science section. Repulsion Force is really gravity particles pushing back. They float into a body and
then push back, almost like, I use the term fire hose shooting, keeping the ball there. So large bodies have this Repulsion Force between them as well as a
gravity attraction between them. This is one of the main reasons we dont go into the Sun and the Moon doesnt drop to Earth. The Moon is way too big
and moving way too slowly to be held up there by centrifugal force. Thats not whats keeping that big monster up there.
So as it got closer to the Sun and encountered the Repulsion Force, it slowed. It still has momentum as its passing, but its very slow. We dont have any
historical reference. We dont have any precedence to point to, to say oh, thats like this solar system or that, its new to us. It may not have been new
to the ancient astronomers, they may have passed this information down, and they did attempt to pass down what they observed, which is why we have
these ancient documents and drawings. But its kind of like, if youre approaching an intersection, and youre putting along and youre doing the speed
limit, 25 miles and hour, and youre slowing down to take the curve through the intersection, and here comes a semi-truck going 52 ga-zillion miles an
hour toward the intersection, right? Ahhh, hes going to fly through! Then he puts on his brakes as he approaches the solar system and it screeches to
where its going a fraction of an inch an hour, through the intersection. Thats whats happening. Its operating differently than our usual planets. So, its
between us and the Sun, with its moons. Crop circles have implied that its going to stand in front of the Sun and supplant, the Zetas have called it
supplanting the Suns magnetic influence so that it becomes the magnetic giant that were listening to, the voice that were listening to. And when it does a
270 roll, we will participate in that, is the way they have described it, and the ancients have talked about sunrise West, that this happened, and prophecy
has said, last month we talked about this Islamic prophecy that said the Sun must rise in the West and that is the time when the countdown will start, that
youll know the time is nigh. And that would only be caused by either the S Pole standing upside down, or some odd aberration on where were pointing.
So we have a wild ride ahead, and the only thing that I can point to, is what Ive been talking about ad nausea for over a year, is the photos, the crop
circles, where the Moon and Sun are.
The constellation are not right. Another thing thats confusing, because people say you look at something different in the Summer, and you look at
something different in Winter, thats really not true. If the Earth is pointing N Pole and S Pole in the proper direction, its kind of like being in your back
yard, you see all the stars overhead. And lets say you have a light in the middle of your back yard, as youre staring at that light from one side of that
backyard, the glare prevents you from seeing something in the sky. Run around to the other side, thats looking at the Sun. But basically, all those
constellations overhead are visible to you, and you can see them if not blocked by the Earth and youre not staring at the glare. You can actually play with
this. Ive done this a great deal to confirm what Im seeing. When I saw Ursa Major way out of place, by 15-30° depending upon what part, last April, if
we consider that the Earth is tilted toward the Sun as the Zetas say, and we havent moved since December 25, that would mean I had a N Pole view.
Well Son of a Gun, if I put N Pole into my planetarium program, Skymap, it brings up pretty much what I saw, where Ursa Major was, toward the top of
the dome. You can confirm this, and the Zetas have stepped through that. You take a different location on the globe, you make the time such that the
rotation, as to what time of day youre facing the Sun is appropriate, and you can bring up the constellations that youre seeing. People started reporting
Polaris being off center last Spring by a few degrees, up to 5 degrees this way or that depending on time of day, from Norway. We found it to be about
7-8 degrees off here, in the late evening, and Ive recently gotten a report that its off in Quebec by 15 degrees. Now, because of the Earth wobble, you
have to take that into consideration. Theres a difference, depending on the wobble and depending on where you are and depending on time of day. Its
not easy.