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Code Source Time E1999: 1999 Predictions 4 years to go F1999: Economic Collapse 3.5 years to go C1999: Social Disruption 3.5 years to go D1999: Likely Reality 3.5 years to go L1999: Next 3.5 Years 3.5 years to go E2000: During 2000 3 years to go E2001: During 2001 2 years to go E2002: During 2002 1 year to go S2002: 2002 Trends 1 year to go M2002: 2002 Quickening 9 months to go
- E2000:
- This will continue to be couched in terms of Global Warming, but increasingly this explanation will be questioned. Why has there been such a rapid upswing? How can one account for a chemical change in the upper atmosphere that would do such a thing? Why is devastating cold sweeping down on places such as India if Global Warming is the explanation? Where is this coming from? Of course it is coming from volcanic upheaval under oceans that are causing the El Nino effect to continue, even though it is being downplayed, to the point where the air over the oceans is being dragged about and warmed and cooled.
- E2000:
- And likewise there will increasing be very cold summers. This is a new angle - very cold summers. This has been relayed in the past, in ancient reports of what the Chinese called a world cycle, meaning the approach of another pole shift, where snow fell in summer. This type of weather change, which will shock the weathermen who are trying to explain events in terms of Global Warming, will begin.
- E1999:
- [Quake increase] will be defused by the media which will fail to report them. Some earthquakes in remote places will not be reported at all, but nevertheless, word will get around.
- L1999:
- [Crop failure] does not get the news coverage it should, on what this means for starvation and food shortages, which are rarely mentioned.
- E2002:
- Increasing quakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as high tides and ocean whirlpools, will get little media attention so as not to alarm an already uneasy populace, but will nevertheless occur.
- S2002:
- is the cover-up, becoming so distressed that cracks are appearing with no mortar at hand to repair them. If the inbound planet, Planet X, will soon start a zoom so rapid that it will be visible to amateurs in the night sky, with their equipment, by mid-2002, then what are they to say? ... Various silly explanations, many of which will be contradictory, may emerge, but the contradictions and delays in explanation will clue the thinking man into realizing that a cover-up indeed in effect.
- S2002:
- The man on the street is looking for an explanation, but none is coming from the news, the government, the church, or anyone in authority.
- S2002:
- an upsurge of interest in alternative news, Planet X sites such as ZetaTalk and others long researching this with clear thinking and a history of valid reporting. These will be sought, and transmitted, and given support, where the establishment news is pushed aside.
- S2002:
- the news suppressed [in the US] such that only irrelevancies are reported.
- S2002:
- For those in Europe or elsewhere, where news is not so suppressed, the trend will be primarily the appearance in the sky of an object, inbound, viewable by amateurs, moving, unexplained by the establishment. To the degree that those populations can deal with the coming changes, discussions on the news will be allowed.
- S2002:
- In countries where the population cannot be saved, such as in Indonesia or India, the news will be suppressed, utterly.
- S2002:
- In countries where news in general is suppressed, such as in the Muslim countries, news of a coming cataclysm will be discussed back alley or back room as today, and not become a source of panic under the heavy hand of control these populations expect.
- L1999:
- Likewise, job instability will occur.
- L1999:
- People will move to the barter system and depend less on the government for handouts, which is all to the good.
- L1999:
- There will be some bank failures. This is going to be greatly shored up on an artificial basis. Money, after all, can be printed, and the governments of the world are hysterically afraid of panic in the populace, and will do anything they can to keep confidence up and the paper money worth something, all the way to the end if they can.
- F1999:
- People long reliant upon credit and shopping will begin to lower their debt and begin to rely upon themselves, leaving the banking industry without customers. This will of course create a panic of sorts within the banking industry
- F1999:
- We have predicted a collapsing economy, to the degree that it would drop to 1/4 of its strength as it stood at the end of 1999.
- F1999:
- Where is it assumed that the public controls stock selloffs, as they can supposedly request that their brokers sell or buy, most stock is in the hands of money managers who cannot have this bidding done by the public. 401K funds, for instance, are seldom given the right to demand buy or sell, with only a portion of the control given to the holder. Thus, money managers, under the hand of elite, who hire them and can fire them, are told not to sell, even with bad indicators, or even to buy when the indicators would say otherwise. Thus, the market is still artificially upheld, but panic will eventually take over.
- E2001:
- Economic impacts are beginning to bump into each other, one causing the other, so that the economic result is beyond a recession and threatening to become a worldwide depression. The economic drain from disasters affects individuals and their ability to work, villages and cities and their ability to provide services, and corporations that are dependent upon customers.
- E2001:
- Disasters can result in increased opportunity, but only if a source of aid is available, and when aid is withdrawn, or not provided, disasters become an economic drain. Aid between countries is being cut off, with little fanfare in the donor countries so the populace will not become alarmed. Businesses dependent upon their investments in Third World countries will then fail, once again creating a shaky economic environment.
- M2002:
- Struggling companies, worldwide, will find they must shrink or die and this activity affects the economy worldwide, with teetering economies collapsing in stages, as we have predicted. Once this process starts, there will be domino effects, with a rapid collapse of the markets and banks.
- M2002:
- The barter system will be utilized in the year prior to the shift, increasingly, even when the monetary system in a country is supposedly secure and stabilized.
- M2002:
- There are dozens of Enrons, many with far worse accounting and broader impact. In fact, our prediction on a Stock Market collapse, wherein the value of today’s stock falls to 1/4 its current value, will be triggered in the main by revelations of this.
- E2001:
- Since a common tactic to distract a restless populace is an outside threat, governments of many countries will saber-rattle, pointing the finger elsewhere and making threats and demands. This will not lead to war, as none of these countries would gain by war, in that the whole world is affected by the economic and crop disasters. There is no prize. So the demands made, one country upon another, to correct what is seen as a cause elsewhere, will be loud, but not followed by actions other than those of a paper dragon variety - all noise, but no substance.
- E2002:
- Governments react to problems placed before them that they cannot solve by pointing the finger outside their borders, as a threatened country supports its leadership and fears to undermine it during such times. Using outside threats, so that many countries point fingers at each other, can be expected to increase during 2002. This likewise is not a new trend going into the pole shift.
- E2002:
- We have predicted that in the year prior to the shift that satellites will fail, consistently.
- M2002:
- Atmospheric disturbances, beyond those usually encountered and thus watched for by pilots, are occurring. Even prior to the year before the shift, what is called micro-bursts were being increasingly reported and downed planes blamed on this. If the weather is moving to extremes, this equates to hotter air masses, colder drafts, and sudden wind equalizing these air masses. Beyond these problems, airplanes use satellites to guide them, magnetic orientation to guide them, and these likewise will either fail on occasion or given invalid readings.