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The Coming Earth Changes + Y2K = No Electricity.
I first heard about Y2K in August 1995, about the same time that I connected up to the Internet. At first I did not think too much about it, anyway January 1st 2000 was still a long way off. I figured that, even if Y2K was a serious problem, some clever programmer would make a simple fix in time to repair a serious flaw. The flaw was caused and introduced to the worlds computers by a decision 40 years ago to save (at that time) valuable memory by using only two digits to identify each year. This means when January 1st 2000 comes around, computers will fail to recognise the new millennium and either stop functioning altogether, or start making wrong calculations. But time is running out and there still has been no fix with less than 500 days away to what could become the greatest setback to modern man.
For five years prior to August 1995, I had become an avid follower of the writings of Gordon Michael Scallion. He is a U.S.A. based futurist who, as early as 1990, was warning of major earth changes that would soon occur. I watched his stated predictions and, over a period of time, it became apparent that he was correct more often than not. His spectacular predictions of the eruption of Mount Pinatabo in the Philippines and the two Los Angeles earthquakes almost paled alongside the seemingly impossible prediction at the beginning of 1993, that there would be 19 named hurricanes that year in the USA, when the average was only five. He predicted great inundations such as we are now seeing in China, Korea, Bangladesh and India. Even closer to home this year, we have seen floods in Townsville, Narrabri (three times), and Bathurst with an all time record. Gippsland has had great swathes of torrential runoff cutting new river directions through old farm lands and silting land up to 2 metres deep. Even more recently, Wollongong had unprecedented rainfall of 500mm in 12 hours with half a mountain side swept away!
Each time we are flooded like that, suffer high winds, or bushfires burn our country side, we always seem to loose our electric power, I believe we are going to see more of that, and when we look at the looming threat of the computer glitch known as the Millennium Bug or Y2K, we find that more and more commentators are saying it is unlikely that public utilities from electric power through communications, to transport, drinking water, banking, food supplies, security, air travel and navigation, will be ready in time to avoid the obvious disastrous consequences.
Scallion has also had a powerful vision for some years that forecasts a mega failure world wide, of electricity, computers, and communications in the near term future. Now whether or not we can believe a futurist, even one with such a good track record as Scallions, we can say with certainty that as sure as night follows day the year 2000 computer bug will strike world wide on January the 1st 2000 whether we like it or not, so the only unknown will be the extent of the failures and disasters, certainly I would not plan to be flying anywhere in the world over that period!
With these two big factors in mind i.e. Earth Changes and Y2K bearing down on us, I have done two important things in preparation. First, I have purchased a second home (very modest log cabin style) here in Australia. It is in a non volcanic area, historically free of earthquakes as far as can be determined, and at an elevation of 500 metres. This makes it a safe enough distance and height from any possible rising of the coastal region sea levels. The cabin is set up with solar power, and spare food. A good weekender if nothing happens any way !
Having an electrical engineering background and a long term interest in electronics, I have learned a lot about alternate power in the last five years via my use of it at my alternate home. Our company designs, builds and sells a range of electronic products with which you will be familiar - our colloidal silver generators, earthwave generators, zappers etc. I have given a lot of thought to an approaching future when, without electricity, it will be inconvenient in the least, to downright disastrous at worst. I have spent the last 12 months developing a home emergency system to cope with long periods of power failures. These include from brownouts (deliberate on and off power sharing and switching) to full blackouts for short or extended periods.
While there have been standby and alternate power systems around for sometime, I felt they were all either too expensive, too noisy, too big, too complicated, or unreliable, and without any much needed, built in back up features. I set about to design and build a system that was budget priced, could be added to with simple modules to increase capacity and could be owner installed. It would have triple redundancy, would not be noisy or large and could be maintained by the owner. As a starting point, I decided to eliminate a complete stand alone system that could power every thing at once, like grid power and large alternate systems do. Such a system would be priced out of the range of 95% of the people that would need and most benefit from an emergency standby system in the very near future.
So I looked first at what are the basic needs, and my list appears below:
If we look at say a conventional generator set, it is big, noisy, and costly, but worst of all, whenever the fuel runs out, the lights, computer, TV and all else go with it, and it is not a good idea to refuel any motor while it is running, or still hot. Likewise, a big solar system or wind generator to replace the grid is very costly, in the $25,000.00 range for a typical house or small business! So by reducing the needs to a basic list such as above, it is now possible to have a flexible, low cost system to operate core equipment and lighting. Thus was born our Vital Power System or V.P.S. for short.
Offered by Darryl.